
  • Configure Context Path Strategy and Persistence Strategy
  • Define configuration metadata and custom widget
  • Store configuration in tools/config page (only for German market)

Git project


Deploy the application to your local AEM instance running on port 4502 via the script build-deploy.sh.

The repository contains a simple AEM application with:

There are no context paths configured, so the configuration editor is not functional initially.


A) Configure Context Path Strategy and Persistence Strategy


  1. Configure a wcm.io Context Path Strategy for levels 1..5 for the template /apps/pv-training/caconfig/templates/homepage
    • Derive conf path from content path by replacing “/content” with “/conf”
  2. Configure a wcm.io Persistence Strategy for storing configurations as AEM Pages at /conf
  3. Define the configurations for both in config-definition/src/main/templates/pv-training-caconfig-aem-cms/pv-training-caconfig-aem-cms-config.provisioning.hbs
    • Keep in mind you have to execute clean_install_deploy_package.sh again to get this configuration active in the AEM instance


  • Open configuration editor for US page http://localhost:4502/content/pv-training-caconfig/tenant-1/usa/en/tools/config.html
  • Enter some singleton configuration for “Training CAConfig Site Config”
    • Also enter some configuration data in the nested “Shopping basket” configuration
  • Enter some configuration collection items for “de.provision.training.caconfig.aem.config.LinkList”
  • Ensure that the configuration was stored in the repository at
    • /conf/pv-training-caconfig/tenant-1/usa/en/sling:configs/de.provision.training.caconfig.aem.config.SiteConfig/jcr:content
    • /conf/pv-training-caconfig/tenant-1/usa/en/sling:configs/de.provision.training.caconfig.aem.config.LinkList/*/jcr:content
  • Download the sample content via sample-content/sample-content_download.sh you entered to commit it in your training repository

B) Define configuration metadata and custom widget


  1. Edit the configuration definition de.provision.training.caconfig.aem.config.LinkList and add labels and descriptions for the configuration class and for each property
  2. Define a custom path browser widget for the wcm.io Context-Aware Configuraiton Editor with starts with the current configuration context path as root path for the property pagePath


C) Store configuration in tools/config page (only for German market)


  1. Configure an additional wcm.io Persistence Strategy for storing configurations as AEM Pages at /tools/config Pages relative to the site root as part of the content
    • This strategy gets only active for context paths with /tools/config in the path
  2. Configure an additional wcm.io Context Path Strategy:
    • This strategy should only be applied for content/context paths at /content/pv-training-caconfig/tenant-1/germany and below (only the German market)
    • This strategy should derive an additional config reference at <context-root-path>/tools/config/jcr:content, e.g. /content/pv-training-caconfig/tenant-1/germany/tools/config/jcr:content
    • To make sure this strategy has higher precedence for the German market assign it a higher service ranking value than the other strategy
  3. Define the configurations for both in config-definition/src/main/templates/pv-training-caconfig-aem-cms/pv-training-caconfig-aem-cms-config.provisioning.hbs
    • Keep in mind you have to execute clean_install_deploy_package.sh again to get this configuration active in the AEM instance


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Version: 1. Last Published: 2024-06-04.