
  • Create a new environment
  • Define multiple nodes
  • Change configuration parameters

Git project


  1. Create a new environment prod.yaml
    • E.g. by deriving from dev.yaml
  2. Define two nodes prod1 and prod2 in this environment
    • For both the roles tomcat and sample-app should be applied
  3. Change the max. heap space
    • For node prod1: 1024m
    • For node prod2: 2048m
  4. Change the welcome message for the prod environment to “Hello World, welcome on the prod environment”


  • Regenerate the configuration
  • Check that all parameters were written to the files as expected (both setenv shell files and sample-app.xml deployment descriptor)
  • Deploy at least one of the two prod node config to your local Tomcat
  • Restart Tomcat
  • Open http://localhost:8080/sample-app/
  • Check that the welcome message is updated, and total memory is increased according to the setting for the node

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Version: 1. Last Published: 2025-01-13.